19 minute read

Unlock CLI Networking Mastery: Essential Commands for Efficient Connectivity & Troubleshooting in Part 6!


Welcome to the sixth installment of our comprehensive guide, “Linux CLI Essentials for Debian Users.” In this section, we embark on a journey through the intricate web of networking and connectivity commands.

Before we delve into the realm of networking, let’s take a moment to reflect on our path thus far. In the previous section, we delved into the critical domains of user management and optimizing your terminal environment. These skills are foundational for users navigating the shell.

Now, in Part 6, we transition into the world of networking and connectivity—an essential aspect of CLI proficiency. This section equips you with an arsenal of commands, including ssh, scp, ping, ifconfig, traceroute, nslookup, curl, wget, and ftp. These commands enable you to establish secure connections, diagnose network issues, retrieve files from the internet, and transfer data between systems.

Networking and connectivity are vital skills for system administrators, developers, and anyone working in an interconnected digital world. By mastering these essentials, you gain the ability to harness the power of the CLI to manage, troubleshoot, and optimize network connections efficiently.

Networking and Connectivity:

44. ssh - secure shell protocol for connecting to remote systems:

The ssh command in Linux is a powerful utility used for securely connecting to remote systems over a network. It allows users to log into a remote machine, execute commands, and transfer files securely. Let’s break down the components of the ssh command, explain its syntax, provide examples, and discuss its options and modifiers:

  • Command Name: ssh

  • This is the primary command used to establish a secure shell connection to a remote system.


The ssh command has the following syntax:

ssh [options] [user]@[hostname]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that can modify the behaviour of the SSH connection.
  • [user]: This is the username you want to use when logging into the remote system.
  • [hostname]: This is the hostname or IP address of the remote system you want to connect to.


Here are some examples of how to use the ssh command:

  1. Basic SSH Connection:

This command will log into the remote computer with the IP address as the user user.

  1. Using a Hostname:

This command will securely log into the example.com system as the user user.

Options and Modifiers:

The ssh command provides a variety of options and modifiers that allow you to customize your SSH connections. Here are some common ones:

  1. -l or --login [username]:
    • Specify the username to log in as.
    • Example:
    ssh -l username remotehost
  2. -p or --port [port]:
    • Specify the port number to use for the connection (default is 22).
    • Example:
    ssh -p 2222 remotehost
  3. -i or --identity [keyfile]:
    • Specify the private key file to use for authentication.
    • Example:
    ssh -i keyfile remotehost
  4. -f or --forward [port]:
    • Request forwarding of the given TCP ports.
    • Example:
    ssh -f -L localport:remotehost:remoteport remotehost
  5. -N or --no-command:
    • Do not execute a remote command, useful for port forwarding.
    • Example:
    ssh -N remotehost
  6. -T or --no-tty:
    • Disable the allocation of a pseudo-tty.
    • Example:
    ssh -T remotehost
  7. -v or --verbose:
    • Increase the verbosity of the output for debugging.
    • Example:
    ssh -v remotehost
  8. -X or --forward-x11:
    • Enable X11 forwarding for running graphical applications remotely.
    • Example:
    ssh -X remotehost
  9. -o or --option [option]:
    • Specify options in the format keyword=value.
    • Example:
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no remotehost

These options allow you to fine-tune your SSH connections to meet your specific needs, whether it’s for authentication, port forwarding, or debugging.

The ssh command is a crucial tool for securely connecting to remote systems and is widely used by system administrators, developers, and network engineers to manage and access remote servers and resources.

45. scp - secure copy for copying files between systems:

The scp command in Linux is a powerful utility for securely copying files between two computers over a network. It is particularly useful when you need to transfer files between a local machine and a remote server or between two remote servers. Let’s break down the components of the scp command, explain its syntax, provide examples, and discuss its options and modifiers:

  • Command Name: scp
  • This is the primary command used for secure file copying between systems.


The scp command has the following syntax:

scp [options] source destination
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that can modify the behaviour of the scp command.
  • source: This is the file or directory you want to copy.
  • destination: This is the target location where you want to copy the source.


Here are some examples of how to use the scp command:

  1. Copying a Local File to a Remote Server:
  scp file1.txt [email protected]:/home/user

This command copies the local file file1.txt to the /home/user directory on the remote computer with IP address

  1. Copying a Local File to a Remote Server Using a Hostname:
  scp file1.txt [email protected]:/home/user/

This command securely copies the local file1.txt file to the /home/user/ directory on the remote server example.com.

Options and Modifiers:

The scp command provides several options and modifiers that allow you to customize file copying and transfer. Here are some common ones:

  1. -r (Recursive):
    • Copies the contents of a directory and all of its subdirectories.
    • Example:
    scp -r user@host:/path/to/dir/
  2. -p (Preserve):
    • Preserves the original modification time, access time, and modes of the files being copied.
    • Example:
    scp -p user@host:/path/to/file
  3. -q (Quiet):
    • Runs scp without displaying error messages or warnings.
    • Example:
    scp -q user@host:/path/to/file
  4. -v (Verbose):
    • Displays detailed information about the file transfer, useful for debugging.
    • Example:
    scp -v user@host:/path/to/file
  5. -C (Compression):
    • Enables compression during the file transfer, which can improve transfer speeds for large files.
    • Example:
    scp -C user@host:/path/to/file
  6. -P (Port):
    • Specifies the port number to use for the SSH connection.
    • Example:
    scp -P port-number user@host:/path/to/file
  7. -l (Limit):
    • Limits the bandwidth used by scp, useful for controlling network usage.
    • Example:
    scp -l bandwidth-limit user@host:/path/to/file
  8. -o (Options):
    • Specifies custom options for SSH, allowing for advanced configuration.
    • Example:
    scp -o "option-name option-value" user@host:/path/to/file

These options make scp a versatile tool for securely copying files while offering control and flexibility for different scenarios. It’s a commonly used command for transferring data between local and remote systems in a secure manner.

46. ping - test network connectivity:

The ping command in Linux is a fundamental network diagnostic tool used to test network connectivity between your local system and a remote host. It sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request packets to the target host and waits for ICMP Echo Reply packets in response. The primary purpose of ping is to check whether a host is reachable and to measure the round-trip time for data packets to travel to the host and back. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and examples of the ping command:

  • Command Name: ping
  • This is the primary command used to test network connectivity.


The ping command has the following syntax:

ping [options] address
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the ping command.
  • address: This is the hostname or IP address of the target host you want to ping.


Here are some examples of how to use the ping command:

  1. Basic Ping:
  ping example.com

This command sends ICMP Echo Request packets to example.com and displays the response time. The command continues to send packets until manually stopped (Ctrl + C).

  1. Specifying the Number of Packets:
  ping -c 5 example.com

This command sends 5 ICMP Echo Request packets to example.com and stops after receiving 5 responses.

  1. Setting Packet Size:
  ping -s 500 example.com

This command sends ICMP packets with a size of 500 bytes to example.com.

  1. Setting Time Interval:
  ping -i 2 example.com

This command sends ICMP packets to example.com with a 2-second interval between each packet.

  1. Setting Timeout:
  ping -W 2 example.com

This command waits a maximum of 2 seconds for a response to each packet sent to example.com.

  1. Verbose Output:
  ping -v example.com

This command produces verbose output, providing more detailed information about the ping process, including response times.

  1. Continuous Ping:
  ping -t example.com

This command continuously sends ICMP Echo Request packets to example.com until manually stopped (Ctrl + C).

Options and Modifiers:

Here are the common options and modifiers used with the ping command:

  1. -c count: Specifies the number of packets to be sent.
  2. -i interval: Specifies the time in seconds to wait between sending each packet.
  3. -s size: Specifies the size of the packet to be sent in bytes.
  4. -W timeout: Specifies the time to wait for a response in seconds.
  5. -v: Enables verbose output.
  6. -t: Pings the specified host until manually stopped.

These options provide flexibility when using ping for various network diagnostic tasks, such as checking network connectivity, measuring latency, and testing the reliability of a network connection. The availability of options may vary depending on the operating system you are using, but the core functionality remains consistent.

47. ifconfig - display network configuration information:

The ifconfig command in Linux is used to display and configure network interfaces and their settings. It provides information about network interfaces, IP addresses, and related networking parameters. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and examples of the ifconfig command:

  • Command Name: ifconfig
  • This is the primary command used to configure and display network interface information.


The ifconfig command has the following syntax:

ifconfig [options] [interface]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the ifconfig command.
  • [interface]: This is the name of the network interface you want to configure or display information for. If not specified, it will display information for all active interfaces.


Here are some examples of how to use the ifconfig command:

  1. Display All Network Interfaces:

This command displays information about all active network interfaces on your system.

  1. Activate a Network Interface:
  ifconfig eth0 up

This command brings up the eth0 network interface, activating it.

  1. Deactivate a Network Interface:
  ifconfig eth0 down

This command shuts down the eth0 network interface, deactivating it.

  1. Assign an IP Address:
  ifconfig eth0 netmask

This command assigns the IP address with a subnet mask of to the eth0 interface.

  1. Remove an IP Address:
  ifconfig eth0 delete

This command removes the IP address from the eth0 interface.

Options and Modifiers:

Here are common options and modifiers used with the ifconfig command:

  1. up: Activates a network interface.
  2. down: Deactivates a network interface.
  3. add: Assigns an IP address and netmask to an interface.
  4. delete: Removes an IP address from an interface.
  5. netmask: Sets the subnet mask for an interface.
  6. broadcast: Sets the broadcast address for an interface.
  7. hw: Sets the hardware (MAC) address for an interface.
  8. mtu: Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for an interface.
  9. -a: Displays information about all network interfaces, including inactive ones.
  10. -v: Displays verbose information about network interfaces.

These options provide flexibility for configuring and querying network interface settings. The availability and functionality of options may vary depending on the operating system and network configuration. It’s important to consult the manual pages or documentation for your specific Linux distribution for a complete list of options and their descriptions.

48. traceroute - display the path of a network packet:

The traceroute command in Linux is used to trace the path of a network packet from the source to the destination. It displays the route taken by the packet as it passes through different routers or network devices. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and provide examples of the traceroute command:

  • Command Name: traceroute
  • This is the primary command used to trace the path of a network packet.


The traceroute command has the following syntax:

traceroute [options] [host]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the traceroute command.
  • [host]: This is the hostname or IP address of the destination host to which you want to trace the route.


Here are some examples of how to use the traceroute command:

  1. Basic Traceroute:
  traceroute example.com

This command traces the route taken by packets from your system to example.com.

  1. Specify Maximum Hops:
  traceroute -f 40 example.com

This command limits the maximum number of hops to 40 before the traceroute is stopped.

  1. Use ICMP Echo Requests:
  traceroute -I example.com

This command uses ICMP Echo Request packets instead of UDP packets for tracing the route. Useful when UDP packets are blocked by a firewall.

  1. Maximum Hops per Trace:
  traceroute -m 50 example.com

This command limits the maximum number of hops in a single trace to 50.

  1. Disable DNS Resolution:
  traceroute -n example.com

This command disables the resolution of IP addresses to hostnames, providing numeric IP addresses instead.

  1. Specify Source Port:
  traceroute -p 8080 example.com

This command specifies the source port of the outgoing packets as 8080.

  1. Set Number of Probes per Hop:
  traceroute -q 5 example.com

This command sends 5 probes per hop in the trace.

  1. Set Wait Time for Response:
  traceroute -w 3 example.com

This command sets the waiting time for a response from each hop to 3 seconds.

  1. Use ICMP Echo Requests with IP Option:
  traceroute -A example.com

This command uses ICMP Echo Request packets with the IP option Record Route.

  1. Specify Tracing Method:
  traceroute -M tcp example.com

This command specifies the tracing method as TCP instead of the default UDP.

Options and Modifiers:

These options provide flexibility for customizing the traceroute command and adjusting its behaviour to meet specific requirements when tracing network routes. The availability and functionality of options may vary depending on the operating system and network configuration. It’s important to consult the manual pages or documentation for your specific Linux distribution for a complete list of options and their descriptions.

49. nslookup - query a name server for information about a domain:

The nslookup command in Linux is used to query Domain Name System (DNS) information. It helps you retrieve information about domain names, including IP addresses and other DNS records. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and provide examples of the nslookup command:

  • Command Name: nslookup
  • This is the primary command used for querying DNS information.


The nslookup command has the following syntax:

nslookup [options] [host]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the nslookup command.
  • [host]: This is the domain name or IP address for which you want to retrieve DNS information.


Here are some examples of how to use the nslookup command:

  1. Basic DNS Query:
  nslookup example.com

This command queries DNS information for the domain example.com.

  1. Specify DNS Server:
  nslookup -a example.com

This command specifies the DNS server with the IP address to query DNS information for example.com.

  1. Enable Debugging:
  nslookup -d example.com

This command enables debugging information to be displayed in the output.

  1. Query Specific DNS Record Type (MX):
  nslookup -t MX example.com

This command specifies that you want to query MX (Mail Exchanger) records for example.com.

  1. Set Verbosity:
  nslookup -v example.com

This command specifies verbosity in the output, providing additional information.

  1. Specify Query Type (A Record):
  nslookup -q=a example.com

This command specifies that you want to query A records (IPv4 addresses) for example.com.

  1. Disable Recursion:
  nslookup -r example.com

This command disables recursion when querying the DNS server.

  1. Set Buffer Length:
  nslookup -l example.com

This command specifies the length of the buffer to be used in the query.

  1. Force IP Address in Output:
  nslookup -A example.com

This command forces the IP address to be returned in the output.

  1. Specify Query Retries:
  nslookup -R=5 example.com

This command specifies that the query should be retried 5 times.

  1. Force IPv4 Address Resolution:
  nslookup -4 example.com

This command forces the use of IPv4 when querying the DNS server.

  1. Force IPv6 Address Resolution:
  nslookup -6 example.com

This command forces the use of IPv6 when querying the DNS server.

Options and Modifiers:

These options provide flexibility for customizing the nslookup command and adjusting its behaviour to meet specific requirements when querying DNS information. The availability and functionality of options may vary depending on the operating system and network configuration. It’s important to consult the manual pages or documentation for your specific Linux distribution for a complete list of options and their descriptions.

50. curl - transfer data from or to a server:

The curl command in Linux is a versatile tool for transferring data with URL syntax. It supports various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and more. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and provide examples of the curl command:

  • Command Name: curl
  • This is the primary command for transferring data with URL syntax.


The curl command has the following syntax:

curl [options] [URL]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the curl command.
  • [URL]: This is the URL from which you want to transfer data.


Here are some examples of how to use the curl command:

  1. Basic HTTP GET Request:
  curl http://www.example.com

This command sends a GET request to http://www.example.com and displays the response data on the terminal.

  1. Specify Output File:
  curl -o example.html http://www.example.com

This command saves the response data from http://www.example.com to a local file named example.html.

  1. Save Remote File with Original Name:
  curl -O http://www.example.com/index.html

This command saves the remote file at http://www.example.com/index.html under the same name in the current directory.

  1. Follow Redirects:
  curl -L http://www.example.com

This command follows any redirects that the server returns and retrieves the final response.

  1. Include HTTP Headers:
  curl -i http://www.example.com

This command displays the HTTP headers along with the response data.

  1. Send POST Request with Data:
  curl -X POST -d "key=value" http://www.example.com

This command sends a POST request to http://www.example.com with the data “key=value” in the request body.

  1. HTTP Basic Authentication:
  curl -u username:password http://www.example.com

This command provides HTTP basic authentication with the specified username and password.

  1. Add Custom HTTP Header:
  curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" http://www.example.com

This command adds a custom HTTP header “Accept-Encoding: gzip” to the request.

  1. Silent Mode:
  curl -s http://www.example.com

This command suppresses the progress bar and error messages, making the output silent.

  1. Skip SSL Certificate Verification:
  curl -k https://www.example.com

This command skips SSL certificate verification when accessing an HTTPS URL. Use with caution, as it can be insecure.

Options and Modifiers:

The options and modifiers mentioned provide fine-grained control over how curl interacts with remote servers and how data is transferred. The availability and functionality of options may vary depending on the version of curl you are using, and additional options are available. Always refer to the documentation for your specific curl version for comprehensive details on available options and their usage.

51. wget - retrieve files from the internet:

The wget command in Linux is a powerful utility for retrieving files and web content from the internet. It supports various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. Let’s break down the components, syntax, options, and provide examples of the wget command:

  • Command Name: wget
  • This is the primary command for downloading files and web content from the internet.


The wget command has the following syntax:

wget [options] [URL]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the wget command.
  • [URL]: This is the URL from which you want to download files or web content.


Here are some examples of how to use the wget command:

  1. Basic File Download:
  wget http://www.example.com/file.txt

This command downloads the file.txt from http://www.example.com.

  1. Specify Output File:
  wget -O download.zip http://www.example.com/file.zip

This command saves the downloaded file as download.zip.

  1. Limit Number of Download Retries:
  wget -t 3 http://example.com/file.zip

This command limits the number of download retries to 3.

  1. Only Download Newer Files:
  wget -N http://example.com/file.zip

This command downloads files only if they are newer than the local copy.

  1. Specify Download Directory:
  wget -P ~/Downloads http://example.com/file.zip

This command saves the downloaded file in the ~/Downloads directory.

  1. Do Not Overwrite Existing Files:
  wget -nc http://example.com/file.zip

This command avoids overwriting existing files with the same name.

  1. Resume Partial Download:
  wget -c http://example.com/file.zip

This command resumes a partially downloaded file.

  1. Quiet Mode:
  wget -q http://example.com/file.zip

This command suppresses output messages and runs in quiet mode.

  1. Recursive Download:
  wget -r -np http://example.com/dir/

This command recursively downloads files and follows links in the specified directory (-r), while avoiding parent directories (-np).

  1. Convert Links for Offline Viewing:
  wget -k http://example.com/file.zip

This command converts links in the downloaded files so that they can be viewed offline.

Options and Modifiers:

The wget command provides various options and modifiers to control the download process. The examples provided cover some of the most commonly used options. To explore the complete list of options and their descriptions, you can use the wget --help command in your terminal. This will provide detailed information on available options and their usage.

52. ftp - file transfer protocol:

The ftp command is used for interacting with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers to transfer files between the local machine and remote servers. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: ftp
  • This is the primary command used for FTP file transfers.


The ftp command has the following syntax:

ftp [options] [host]
  • [options]: These are optional parameters that modify the behaviour of the ftp command.
  • [host]: This is the hostname or IP address of the FTP server to connect to.


Here are some examples of how to use the ftp command:

  1. Connect to an FTP Server:
  ftp example.com

This command connects to the FTP server at example.com and opens an FTP session.

  1. Debugging Mode:
  ftp -d example.com

This command turns on debugging mode, which displays detailed FTP transaction information.

  1. Disable Interactive Prompts:
  ftp -i example.com

This command disables interactive prompts during file transfers, making it suitable for scripting.

  1. Disable Automatic Login:
  ftp -n example.com

This command disables automatic login, useful when FTP servers don’t allow anonymous logins.

  1. Disable File Name Globbing:
  ftp -g example.com

This command disables file name globbing, preventing wildcard character expansion.

  1. Enable Verbose Mode:
  ftp -v example.com

This command enables verbose mode, showing detailed file transfer information.

  1. Enable Passive Mode:
  ftp -p example.com

This command enables passive mode, helpful when the client is behind a firewall.

  1. Enable Compression:
  ftp -c example.com

This command enables compression during file transfers.

  1. Retrieve a File:
  ftp -r filename example.com

This command retrieves the specified file from the FTP server.

  1. Specify Port Number:
  ftp -P port_number example.com

This command specifies a custom port number for the FTP connection.

  1. List Contents of Current Directory:
  ftp -l example.com

This command lists the contents of the current directory on the FTP server.

Options and Modifiers:

The ftp command provides various options and modifiers to control its behaviour. The examples provided cover some of the most commonly used options. To explore the complete list of options and their descriptions, you can typically use the ftp --help command in your terminal, although the availability of this command and its output may vary between different FTP client implementations.


As you conclude this section, you’ve ventured into the dynamic realm of networking and connectivity within the Debian Linux environment. You’ve acquired a versatile set of commands that empower you to secure remote connections, diagnose network-related problems, and efficiently transfer data between systems.

With your newfound skills, you’re now prepared to advance to the next part of our guide, “File Compression and Archive & Text Processing.” In this section, you’ll explore commands related to file compression, archive management, and text processing, further enhancing your Linux CLI proficiency.

Networking and connectivity serve as critical pillars in the CLI journey, enabling you to navigate the digital landscape with confidence. As you move forward, remember that your mastery of these essentials opens doors to a world of possibilities. Prepare for the next section, where you’ll delve into the art of compressing, archiving, and processing files with precision.

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