16 minute read

Unlock CLI Efficiency: Master File Manipulation and Advanced Search in Part 2 of Our Guide.


Welcome to the second installment of our comprehensive guide, “Linux CLI Essentials for Debian Users.” In this section, we continue our exploration of fundamental Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.

Before we embark on this exciting journey into the world of file content manipulation and efficient file and directory search techniques, let’s briefly look back on what we’ve covered so far. In the previous section, “Linux CLI Essentials for Debian Users – Part 1: File and Directory Operations,” we equipped you with indispensable skills for managing files and directories, setting a solid foundation for your CLI proficiency.

Now, in Part 2, we shift our focus to the heart of the system administration and data manipulation. We will unveil the power of commands such as cat, head, tail, grep, and echo, which enable you to seamlessly work with file contents and extract valuable information. Additionally, we will dive into the art of efficient file and directory search using the find and locate commands.

As a user, mastering these CLI techniques will empower you to swiftly locate data, extract meaningful insights, and efficiently manage your system. So, let’s dive into the world of file content manipulation and advanced search operations, enhancing your skills.

File Content Manipulation:

12. cat - display the contents of a file:

The cat command is used to concatenate and display the contents of files. It can display multiple files at once, or it can display the contents of a single file.

  1. Command Name: cat
  • This is the command, which stands for “concatenate and display.”


cat [options] [file]


  1. Display the contents of a single file:
 cat file1.txt 

This command will display the contents of file1.txt.

  1. Display the contents of multiple files:
 cat file1.txt file2.txt 

You can display the contents of multiple files by specifying their names as arguments.

Options and Modifiers:

The cat command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -n or --number: Display line numbers in the output. This option is useful for referencing specific lines in a file.
    • Example:
 cat -n filename.txt 
  1. -E or --show-ends: Display a “$” symbol at the end of each line to indicate the line endings. This option helps visualize line endings.
    • Example:
 cat -E filename.txt 
  1. -s or --squeeze-blank: Squeeze multiple blank lines into one. This option removes extra blank lines, making the output more compact.
    • Example:
 cat -s filename.txt 
  1. -T or --show-tabs: Display tabs as “^I” to visualize tab characters in the file.
    • Example:
 cat -T filename.txt 
  1. -v or --show-nonprinting: Display non-printable characters, such as control characters and tabs, in a visible format.
    • Example:
 cat -v filename.txt 
  1. -b or --number-nonblank: Display line numbers, but only for non-empty lines. This option is useful when you want to number non-empty lines.
    • Example:
 cat -b filename.txt 
  1. -u or --unbuffered: Flush output after every write, rather than buffering it. This option can be useful when working with real-time or interactive data.
    • Example:
 cat -u filename.txt 

These options can be combined to create customized cat outputs. For example, cat -nEtv filename.txt will display line numbers, line endings, non-printable characters, and tabs in the output. It’s worth noting that cat is a versatile command often used for viewing and manipulating the contents of text files in Linux.

13. head - display the first few lines of a file:

The Linux terminal command head is a utility that allows you to display the first few lines of a file or text output. The head command is used to quickly inspect the beginning of a file to determine its contents or to preview its data without having to open it in a text editor or another application.

  1. Command Name: head
    • This is the command, which is used to display the first few lines of a file.


head [options] [file_name]


  1. Display the first 10 lines of a file:
 head filename.txt

This command will display the first 10 lines of the filename.txt file.

  1. Display a specific number of lines from a file:
 head -n 5 filename.txt

This command will display the first 5 lines of the filename.txt file.

  1. Display the first lines of output from a command:
 ls -l | head

This command will display the first few lines of the output of the ls -l command.

Options and Modifiers:

The head command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -n: Specify the number of lines to display. This option allows you to control how many lines are shown.
    • Example:
 head -n 20 file.txt

This command will display the first 20 lines of file.txt.

  1. -c: Specify the number of bytes to display. Instead of lines, this option allows you to control the number of bytes shown.
    • Example:
 head -c 100 file.txt

This command will display the first 100 bytes of file.txt.

  1. -q: Quiet mode. This option suppresses headers when displaying multiple files. It’s useful when you don’t want headers for each file.
    • Example:
 head -q file1.txt file2.txt

This command will display the first few lines of file1.txt and file2.txt without headers.

  1. -v: Verbose mode. This option displays headers when displaying multiple files. It’s useful when you want to see which file the output belongs to.
  • Example:
 head -v file1.txt file2.txt

This command will display the first few lines of file1.txt and file2.txt with headers.

  1. -f: Follow mode. This option continuously displays new content as it is appended to the file. It’s useful for monitoring log files in real-time.
    • Example:
 tail -f access.log

This command will continuously display new log entries in the access.log file as they are appended.

These options can be combined to create customized head operations for displaying different portions of files or command output. The head command is particularly helpful for quickly inspecting the beginning of files without having to open them in a text editor or other applications.

14. tail - display the last few lines of a file:

The tail command in Linux is a utility that is used to display the last part of a text file or a log file. This command is commonly used to monitor log files for changes in real-time, to quickly check the end of a large file, or to display the last few lines of a file.

  1. Command Name: tail
    • This is the command, used to display the last part of a text file or log file.




  1. Display the last 10 lines of a file:
 tail filename.txt

This command will display the last 10 lines of the filename.txt file by default.

  1. Display a specific number of lines from the end of a file:
 tail -n 5 filename.txt

This command will display the last 5 lines of the filename.txt file.

  1. Monitor a file in real-time for changes (follow mode):
 tail -f /var/log/syslog

This command will continuously monitor the /var/log/syslog file for changes and display any new data added to the file in real-time.

Options and Modifiers:

The tail command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -f or --follow: Display the contents of the file in real-time. The tail command will continuously monitor the file for changes and display new data as it is added. This is commonly used for monitoring log files.
    • Example:
 tail -f /var/log/syslog
  1. -n or --lines: Specify the number of lines to display from the end of the file. You can control how many lines are shown.
    • Example:
 tail -n 20 /var/log/syslog
  1. -q or --quiet: Suppress the printing of filenames when displaying multiple files. This option is useful for omitting filenames in the output.
    • Example:
 tail -q /var/log/syslog
  1. -v or --verbose: Display the filename along with the line numbers. This option is useful when monitoring multiple files to identify which file the output belongs to.
    • Example:
 tail -v /var/log/syslog
  1. -c or --bytes: Specify the number of characters to display from the end of the file. This option allows you to control the number of bytes shown.
    • Example:
 tail -c 100 /var/log/syslog
  1. --retry: Continue trying to open a file that is not yet available. This can be useful when monitoring log files that are being rotated or updated.
    • Example:
 tail --retry /var/log/syslog
  1. --pid: Specify the process ID (PID) of the file to be monitored. This option is used to track a file associated with a specific process.
    • Example:
 tail --pid 12345 /var/log/syslog

These options can be combined to create customized tail operations for viewing the end of files, monitoring logs in real-time, or extracting specific portions of files. The tail command is particularly useful for system administrators and developers when inspecting log files and tracking changes in real-time.

15. grep - search for a pattern in a file:

The grep command is used to search for text within files. It can search for specific text patterns or strings within files and display the results.

  1. Command Name: grep
    • This is the command, used to search for text patterns or strings within files.


grep [OPTIONS] pattern [file(s)]


  1. Search for a specific text pattern in a file:
 grep "error" /var/log/syslog

This command searches for the text pattern “error” in the /var/log/syslog file and displays matching lines.

  1. Search for a pattern in multiple files:
 grep "pattern" file1.txt file2.txt

This command searches for the text pattern “pattern” in both file1.txt and file2.txt.

Options and Modifiers:

The grep command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -A or --after-context: Display a specified number of lines after each matching line.
    • Example:
 grep -A 2 "word" file.txt

This command displays the line containing “word” and the two lines that follow it.

  1. -B or --before-context: Display a specified number of lines before each matching line.
    • Example:
 grep -B 2 "word" file.txt

This command displays the line containing “word” and the two lines that precede it.

  1. -C or --context: Display a specified number of lines before and after each matching line.
    • Example:
 grep -C 2 "word" file.txt

This command displays the line containing “word,” the two lines before it, and the two lines after it.

  1. -c or --count: Display only the count of matching lines.
    • Example:
 grep -c "word" file.txt

This command shows the number of lines that contain the word “word.”

  1. -i or --ignore-case: Ignore case distinctions when matching.
    • Example:
 grep -i "Word" file.txt

This command searches for both “word” and “Word” in the file, ignoring case.

  1. -l or --files-with-matches: Display only the names of files that contain a match.
    • Example:
 grep -l "pattern" file1.txt file2.txt

This command lists the names of files that contain the pattern “pattern.”

  1. -n or --line-number: Display the line number of each match.
    • Example:
 grep -n "word" file.txt

This command displays the line number for each line containing “word.”

  1. -v or --invert-match: Display all lines that do not match the pattern.
    • Example:
 grep -v "exclude" file.txt

This command shows all lines in file.txt that do not contain the word “exclude.”

These options and modifiers allow you to customize the behaviour of the grep command when searching for patterns or strings within files. You can specify context, control case sensitivity, count matches, and more, making grep a powerful tool for text searching and pattern matching in Linux.

16. echo - display a message or the value of a variable:

The echo command in Linux is a fundamental tool for displaying messages or the values of variables in the terminal. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: echo
  • This is the primary command used to display text or variable values.


The syntax of the echo command is as follows:

echo [options] [string or variable]
  • options: Optional. These are various options that can modify the behaviour of the echo command.
  • string or variable: Required. This is the text message or variable whose value you want to display.


  1. Displaying a Message:

To display a simple message in the terminal, use the echo command followed by the message enclosed in double or single quotes:

  echo "Hello, World!"


  Hello, World!
  1. Displaying the Value of a Variable:

You can also use the echo command to display the value of a variable. For example, if you have a variable name:

  name="John Doe"
  echo $name


  John Doe
  1. Using the -n Option:

The -n option is used to prevent a newline character from being added to the end of the output. This is useful when you want to display text on the same line or format the output differently:

  echo -n "Hello, "
  echo "World!"


  Hello, World!
  1. Using the -e Option:

The -e option allows you to use escape sequences in the output. This is useful for special formatting or characters:

  echo -e "Hello\tWorld!"


  Hello  World!

Options and Modifiers:

The echo command provides a few options and modifiers to customize the output:

  • -n: Prevents the addition of a newline character at the end of the output. Useful for displaying text on the same line. Example:

    echo -n "This is a "
    echo "single line."
  • -e: Allows the interpretation of escape sequences in the output, such as \t for tabs and \n for newlines. Example:

    echo -e "Line 1\nLine 2"


    Line 1
    Line 2

The echo command is a simple yet versatile tool in the Linux terminal, commonly used for displaying messages and variable values. It can be customized using options to control formatting and output behaviour.

File and Directory Search:

17. find - search for a file or directory:

The find command is used to search for files. It can search for files based on various criteria, such as name, size, and modification time.

  1. Command Name: find
    • This is the command, used to search for files and directories.


find [directory] [options] [expression]


  1. Search for a file by name:
 find / -name "file1.txt"

This command searches for a file named “file1.txt” in the root directory and all its subdirectories.

  1. Search for all directories:
 find / -type d

This command searches for and lists all directories in the root directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Search for files modified in the last 7 days:
 find / -mtime -7

This command searches for files that have been modified in the last 7 days in the root directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Search for files larger than 1 gigabyte:
 find / -size +1G

This command searches for files larger than 1 gigabyte in the root directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Search for files by name (case-insensitive):
 find / -iname "*.jpg"

This command searches for files with names ending in “.jpg,” ignoring case, in the root directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Search for files with specific permissions:
 find / -perm +u=rwx

This command searches for files where the owner has read, write, and execute permissions in the root directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Display the results of the search:
 find / -type f -print

This command searches for and lists all files (not directories) in the root directory and its subdirectories, displaying each file’s full path.

Options and Modifiers:

The find command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -name pattern: Search for files or directories with a specific name pattern.
    • Example:
 find / -name "*.txt"

This command searches for files with names ending in “.txt.”

  1. -type d or --type=directory: Search for only directories.
    • Example:
 find / -type d

This command searches for and lists all directories.

  1. -mtime n or --time n: Search for files that have been modified within a specified number of days.
    • Example:
 find / -mtime -7

This command searches for files modified in the last 7 days.

  1. -size n: Search for files of a specific size.
    • Example:
 find / -size +1G

This command searches for files larger than 1 gigabyte.

  1. -iname pattern: Search for files or directories with a specific name pattern, ignoring case.
    • Example:
 find / -iname "*.jpg"

This command searches for files with names ending in “.jpg,” ignoring case.

  1. -perm mode: Search for files or directories with specific permissions.
    • Example:
 find / -perm +u=rwx

This command searches for files where the owner has read, write, and execute permissions.

  1. -print: Display the results of the search.
    • Example:
 find / -type f -print

This command lists all files (not directories) and displays their full paths.

These options and modifiers allow you to customize the behaviour of the find command when searching for files and directories within a specified location. You can search by name, type, modification time, size, permissions, and more, making find a versatile tool for file and directory searches in Linux.

18. locate - find files and directories based on their names:

The locate command is a tool in the Linux terminal that allows users to search for files and directories in their system. It uses a database of file names, locations, and other information that is generated and updated periodically by the system.

  1. Command Name: locate
    • This is the command, used to search for files and directories based on their names.


locate [options] search_pattern


  1. Find a specific file:
 locate test.txt

This command searches for a file named “test.txt” in the system and returns a list of paths where such files are located.

  1. Find files of a specific type (extension):
 locate *.jpg

This command searches for files with a “.jpg” extension in the system.

  1. Find files in a specific directory:
 locate /home/user/test.txt

This command searches for a file named “test.txt” specifically in the “/home/user” directory.

  1. Find files that contain a specific string (case-insensitive):
 locate -i test

This command searches for files or directories that contain the string “test” regardless of case sensitivity.

  1. Find files that match a case-sensitive regular expression pattern:
 locate -r ^test

This command searches for files or directories that match the regular expression pattern “^test,” which means the name should start with “test.”

Options and Modifiers:

The locate command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -i: Perform a case-insensitive search.
    • Example:
 locate -i test

This command searches for files or directories containing “test” regardless of case.

  1. -r: Use a regular expression pattern for matching.
    • Example:
 locate -r ^test

This command searches for files or directories whose names start with “test.”

  1. -b: Match only the base name (filename) and ignore the path.
    • Example:
 locate -b test.txt

This command searches for files named “test.txt” without considering their path.

  1. -c: Show the count of matching entries.
    • Example:
 locate -c test.txt

This command displays the count of files named “test.txt.”

  1. -l: Limit the number of results.
    • Example:
 locate -l 5 test.txt

This command limits the search results to the first 5 matches.

These options and modifiers allow you to customize the behaviour of the locate command when searching for files and directories based on their names. It’s a fast and efficient tool for finding files and directories in Linux, especially when you know their names or patterns.


In this section, you’ve delved into the art of file content manipulation and honed your skills in file and directory search. You’ve become familiar with essential commands such as cat, head, tail, grep, and echo, each serving a unique purpose in helping you manipulate and extract valuable information from files.

With the find and locate commands at your disposal, you’ve unlocked the ability to efficiently search for files and directories, making navigation and data retrieval a breeze.

As you continue your journey through this comprehensive guide, you’ll find that your CLI expertise continues to grow, setting the stage for the upcoming section, “System Information.” Here, you will delve into commands that provide invaluable insights into your system’s status and performance, enhancing your overall Linux proficiency.

Stay committed to your learning journey, and soon, you’ll be harnessing the full power of the CLI to tackle diverse challenges and make the most of your experiences. This guide is your companion in this exciting adventure, so keep exploring and expanding your Linux horizons.

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