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Unlock File and Directory Mastery: Essential CLI Commands for Debian Users - Your Path to Efficient System Management.


Welcome to the first section of our comprehensive guide on Linux Command Line Essentials for Debian Users. In this section, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the fundamental command-line tools and operations that are vital for effectively navigating and managing files and directories within a Linux environment.

The Command Line Interface (CLI) is an indispensable aspect of Unix-based systems, offering precise control and limitless possibilities to users. Whether you are a seasoned user or just starting your journey with Debian, mastering these commands is crucial for becoming proficient in system administration and everyday tasks.

Throughout this section, we will dive into the core commands, each meticulously designed to empower you with the ability to manipulate files and directories effortlessly. From changing your working directory to listing files, creating and deleting files and directories, copying, moving, and adjusting permissions – you’ll gain mastery over these essential operations.

Join us as we unravel the power of the CLI, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate, organize, and manage your files and directories efficiently.

File and Directory Operations:

1. cd - change directory:

The cd command is used to change the current working directory. It allows you to move between different directories in the file system.

  1. Command Name: cd
    • This is the command, which stands for “change directory.”
  2. Argument: [directory]
    • The [directory] is an optional argument that specifies the directory you want to change to. If you don’t provide a directory, cd will change to the user’s home directory by default.


cd [directory]


cd /home/user

In this example, the cd command is used to change the current working directory to /home/user.

Options and Modifiers:

The cd command does not have many options or modifiers. However, it’s essential to understand some common ones:

  1. cd -: This option allows you to switch back to the previous directory.
    • Example:
 cd -

If you are in /home/user/documents and run cd -, it will take you back to the directory you were in before, which might have been /home/user.

  1. cd ~ or cd: These are equivalent ways to return to your home directory.
    • Examples:
 cd ~
 # or

Both of these commands will take you to your home directory.

  1. cd ..: This allows you to move up one directory level (parent directory).
    • Example:
 cd ..

If you are in /home/user/documents, running cd .. will take you to /home/user.

  1. cd /: This command takes you to the root directory, the highest level of the file system.
    • Example:
 cd /

Running cd / will take you to the root directory, often denoted as /.

  1. cd /path/to/directory: You can also provide an absolute path to navigate directly to a specific directory.
    • Example:
 cd /var/www/html

This command will take you to /var/www/html.

  1. cd ../relative/path: You can use relative paths to move within the current directory or to a sibling directory.
    • Example:
 cd ../sibling_directory

If you are in /home/user/documents, this command will take you to /home/user/sibling_directory.

The cd command is a fundamental tool for navigating the Linux file system, and understanding these options and modifiers will help you move around efficiently.

2. ls - list files and directories:

The ls command lists the contents of a directory. It can display files and directories in a directory, including size, modification time, and file type, as well as their permissions and timestamps.

  1. Command Name: ls
    • This is the command, which stands for “list.”
  2. Options: [options]
    • Options modify the behaviour of the ls command, allowing you to customize the output.
  3. Argument: [directory]
    • The [directory] is an optional argument that specifies the directory you want to list. If you don’t provide a directory, ls will list the contents of the current directory.


ls [options] [directory]


  1. List the contents of a specific directory:
 ls /home/user

This command will display the contents of the /home/user directory.

  1. List the contents of the current directory:

Running ls without specifying a directory will list the contents of the current working directory.

Options and Modifiers:

The ls command has several options and modifiers that allow you to customize the output. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. -a or --all: Show hidden files and directories (those starting with a dot .).
    • Example:
 ls -a
  1. -l or --long: Show detailed information about files and directories, including permissions, ownership, size, and date modified.
    • Example:
 ls -l
  1. -h or --human-readable: Show file sizes in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).
    • Example:
 ls -lh
  1. -R or --recursive: Show the contents of sub-directories recursively.
    • Example:
 ls -R
  1. -t or --sort-by-time: Sort files and directories by the time they were last modified.
    • Example:
 ls -lt
  1. -S or --sort-by-size: Sort files and directories by size.
    • Example:
 ls -lS
  1. -r or --reverse: Reverse the order of the sort.
    • Example:
 ls -ltr
  1. --color: Color-code the output based on the file type.
    • Example:
 ls --color
  1. -i or --inode: Show the inode number of each file.
    • Example:
 ls -li
  1. -F or --classify: Append a symbol to the end of each file name to indicate its type (e.g., / for directories, * for executables).
    • Example:
 ls -F

These options can be combined to create customized ls outputs to suit your specific needs, making it a versatile tool for listing and exploring file system contents in a Linux environment.

3. pwd - show current directory:

The pwd command displays the current working directory. This is useful when you need to know which directory you are in before using other commands.

  1. Command Name: pwd
    • This is the command for “print working directory.”





Running the pwd command without any options or arguments will display the full path of the current working directory.

Options and Modifiers:

The pwd command typically does not have many options or modifiers. It serves a straightforward purpose: to show the current directory. However, you can use some shell-related techniques to modify its behaviour slightly:

  1. pwd -P: This option forces pwd to show the physical current directory, which may differ from the logical current directory if symbolic links are involved.
    • Example:
 pwd -P
  1. pwd --help: Display help information about the pwd command, which can provide details on its usage and options.
    • Example:
 pwd --help

The pwd command is a simple yet valuable tool for identifying your current location within the file system. It’s beneficial when navigating complex directory structures or scripting tasks that require knowledge of the current directory’s path.

4. touch - Create Empty File(s)or Update a File

The touch command is used to create empty files. It can create a single or multiple files at once or can also be used to update the modification and access timestamps of existing files.

  1. Command Name: touch
    • This command is used for creating empty files or updating timestamps.


touch [options] file


  1. Create a new empty file:
 touch file1.txt

This command will create a new empty file called file1.txt in the current directory if it does not already exist. If it already exists, it will update its modification and access timestamps.

  1. Update only the access time of a file:
 touch -a file

Using the -a option, you can update only the access time of the specified file (file in this case).

  1. Do not create a new file if it doesn’t exist:
 touch -c file

The -c option ensures that a new file is not created if it doesn’t exist. If file doesn’t exist, this command won’t create it.

  1. Update only the modification time of a file:
 touch -m file

With the -m option, you can update only the modification time of the specified file (file in this case).

  1. Use the modification and access times of a reference file:
 touch -r reference_file file

The -r option allows you to use the modification and access times of a reference file (reference_file) to update the specified file (file).

  1. Set specific modification and access times:
 touch -t 202001011212 file

Using the -t option followed by a timestamp (in the format YYYYMMDDhhmm), you can set specific modification and access times for the specified file (file).

Options and Modifiers:

The touch command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -a or --access: Change only the access time of the file.
    • Example:
 touch -a file
  1. -c or --no-create: Do not create a new file if it does not exist.
    • Example:
 touch -c file
  1. -m or --modify: Change only the modification time of the file.
    • Example:
 touch -m file
  1. -r or --reference: Use the modification and access times of the specified reference file.
    • Example:
 touch -r reference_file file
  1. -t or --time: Set the modification and access times to the specified time (in the format YYYYMMDDhhmm).
    • Example:
 touch -t 202001011212 file

These options provide flexibility when using the touch command, allowing you to create, update, or manipulate file timestamps as needed in a Linux environment.

5. mkdir - create a new directory:

The mkdir command is used to create directories. It can create a single directory or multiple directories at once.

  1. Command Name: mkdir
    • This is the command, which stands for “make directory.”


mkdir [options] directory


  1. Create a new directory:
 mkdir /home/user/new_directory

This command will create a new directory called new_directory in the /home/user directory.

  1. Create a directory with a relative path:
 mkdir my_directory

Running mkdir with a relative path (e.g., my_directory) will create the directory in the current working directory.

Options and Modifiers:

The mkdir command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -p or --parents: Create any missing parent directories in the path of the directory being created. This is useful when you want to create a nested directory structure.
    • Example:
 mkdir -p directory/subdirectory

This command will create both directory and subdirectory if they don’t already exist.

  1. -v or --verbose: Display the names of the directories being created. This option provides feedback on what directories are being created.
    • Example:
 mkdir -v directory

This command will display a message like “mkdir: created directory ‘directory’” when the directory is created.

  1. -m or --mode: Set the permissions of the directory being created. You can specify permissions in octal format (e.g., 755) to control who can read, write, and execute within the directory.
    • Example:
 mkdir -m 755 directory

This command will create the directory with the permissions set to 755, which means the owner can read, write, and execute, while others can only read and execute.

These options can be combined to create customized mkdir operations to suit your specific directory creation needs. For example, mkdir -pv directory/subdirectory will create any missing parent directories in the path and display the names of the created directories.

6. rm - remove a file or directory:

The rm command is used to remove files. It can remove a single file or multiple files at once.

  1. Command Name: rm
    • This is the command, which stands for “remove.”


rm [options] file


  1. Remove a single file:
 rm file1.txt

This command will delete file1.txt from the current directory.

  1. Remove multiple files:
 rm file1.txt file2.txt

You can remove multiple files by specifying their names as arguments.

Options and Modifiers:

The rm command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -f or --force: Remove files without prompting for confirmation. This option is useful when you want to delete files without being asked for confirmation.
    • Example:
 rm -f file
  1. -i or --interactive: Prompt for confirmation before removing each file. When used, rm will ask for confirmation before deleting each file.
    • Example:
 rm -i file
  1. -r or --recursive: Remove directories and their contents recursively. This option is essential when you want to delete directories and their contents.
    • Example:
 rm -r directory
  1. -v or --verbose: Display the names of the files being removed. This option provides feedback on which files are being deleted.
    • Example:
 rm -v file
  1. -R or --recursive: This is an alias for -r and is used for removing directories and their contents recursively.
    • Example:
 rm -R directory

These options can be combined to create customized rm operations to suit your specific file and directory removal needs. For example, rm -rvf directory will remove the directory and its contents recursively, display the names of the files being removed, and do so without prompting for confirmation. Use caution when using the -f option, as it can lead to the irreversible deletion of files without any confirmation.

7. rmdir - remove an empty directory:

The rmdir command is used to remove directories. It can remove an empty directory or multiple empty directories at once.

  1. Command Name: rmdir
    • This is the command, which stands for “remove directory.”


rmdir [options] directory


  1. Remove an empty directory:
 rmdir /home/user/empty_directory

This command will remove the empty_directory directory from the /home/user directory if it is empty.

Options and Modifiers:

The rmdir command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -p or --parents: Remove parent directories along with the specified directory if they become empty. This option is useful when you want to remove a directory and its parent directories if they are empty.
    • Example:
 rmdir -p directory/subdirectory

This command will remove both subdirectory and directory if they are empty.

  1. -v or --verbose: Display the names of the directories being removed. This option provides feedback on which directories are being deleted.
    • Example:
 rmdir -v directory

This command will display a message like “rmdir: removing directory ‘directory’” when the directory is removed.

These options can be combined to create customized rmdir operations to suit your specific directory removal needs. For example, rmdir -pv directory/subdirectory will remove parent directories along with the specified directory if they become empty and display the names of the directories being removed. Use caution when using the -p option, as it can lead to the removal of multiple directories if they are empty and share the same parent directory.

8. cp - copy a file or directory:

The cp command is used to copy files from one location to another. It can copy a single file or multiple files to a different directory.

  1. Command Name: cp
    • This is the command, which stands for “copy.”


cp [options] source destination


  1. Copy a single file to a different directory:
 cp file1.txt /home/user/backup

This command will copy file1.txt to the /home/user/backup directory.

  1. Copy multiple files to a different directory:
 cp file1.txt file2.txt /home/user/backup

You can copy multiple files by specifying their names as arguments.

Options and Modifiers:

The cp command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -a or --archive: Copy the source file and preserve its attributes, including permissions, ownership, timestamps, and symbolic links. This option is useful for creating exact copies.
    • Example:
 cp -a source_file destination
  1. -r or --recursive: Copy the contents of directories recursively. This option is essential when copying directories and their contents.
    • Example:
 cp -r source_directory destination
  1. -u or --update: Copy the source file only if it is newer than the destination file. This option helps keep backups up to date.
    • Example:
 cp -u source_file destination
  1. -v or --verbose: Display the names of the files being copied. This option provides feedback on which files are being copied.
    • Example:
 cp -v source_file destination
  1. -f or --force: Overwrite existing destination files without prompting for confirmation. Use with caution, as it can lead to data loss.
    • Example:
 cp -f source_file destination
  1. -i or --interactive: Prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing destination files. This is a safer option when you want to avoid accidental overwrites.
    • Example:
 cp -i source_file destination
  1. -n or --no-clobber: Do not overwrite existing destination files. This option ensures that no files are overwritten during the copy operation.
    • Example:
 cp -n source_file destination
  1. -L or --dereference: Follow symbolic links, copying the target of the link instead of the link itself. This option is used when you want to copy the content that symbolic links point to.
    • Example:
 cp -L source_file destination

These options can be combined to create customized cp operations to suit your specific file and directory copying needs. For example, cp -avn source_file destination will copy the source file, preserving its attributes, displaying the names of the files being copied, and not overwriting existing destination files. Always use caution when copying and overwriting files, especially with the -f option, to avoid data loss.

9. mv - move or rename a file or directory:

The mv command is used to move or rename files. It can move a file from one location to another, or it can change the name of a file.

  1. Command Name: mv
    • This is the command, which stands for “move.”


mv [options] source destination


  1. Move a file to a different location:
 mv file1.txt /home/user/backup

This command will move file1.txt to the /home/user/backup directory.

  1. Rename a file:
 mv old_name.txt new_name.txt

You can rename a file by specifying both the source and destination as the same directory.

Options and Modifiers:

The mv command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -f or --force: Overwrite existing destination files without prompting for confirmation. Use with caution, as it can lead to data loss.
    • Example:
 mv -f source_file destination
  1. -i or --interactive: Prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing destination files. This is a safer option when you want to avoid accidental overwrites.
    • Example:
 mv -i source_file destination
  1. -n or --no-clobber: Do not overwrite existing destination files. This option ensures that no files are overwritten during the move operation.
    • Example:
 mv -n source_file destination
  1. -u or --update: Move the source file only if it is newer than the destination file. This option helps keep backups up to date.
    • Example:
 mv -u source_file destination
  1. -v or --verbose: Display the names of the files being moved. This option provides feedback on which files are being moved.
    • Example:
 mv -v source_file destination

These options can be combined to create customized mv operations to suit your specific file and directory moving or renaming needs. For example, mv -ivn source_file destination will move the source file, prompting for confirmation before overwriting existing destination files, displaying the names of the files being moved, and not overwriting existing destination files. Always use caution when moving and overwriting files, especially with the -f option, to avoid data loss.

10. chmod - change file or directory permissions:

The chmod command is used to change file permissions. It can change the permissions for a single file or multiple files, including read, write, and execute permissions.

  1. Command Name: chmod
    • This is the command, which stands for “change mode” (i.e., change file permissions).


chmod [options] mode file


  1. Give execute permission to a file:
 chmod +x file1.sh

This command will give the file1.sh file execute permission.

  1. Set specific permissions for a file:
 chmod 755 file1.txt

This command will set the read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute permissions for the group and others for the file1.txt file.

Options and Modifiers:

The chmod command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -c or --changes: Display information about which files have been changed. This option is useful for seeing which files had their permissions modified.
    • Example:
 chmod -c 755 file.txt
  1. -f or --silent: Do not display any error messages. This option suppresses error messages, which can be useful in scripts or automated processes.
    • Example:
 chmod -f 755 file.txt
  1. -R or --recursive: Change permissions for all files and directories in the specified directory, including subdirectories. This option is essential when you want to change permissions recursively.
    • Example:
 chmod -R 755 directory
  1. -v or --verbose: Display detailed information about the changes made. This option provides feedback on the permissions changes.
    • Example:
 chmod -v 755 file.txt

These options can be combined to create customized chmod behaviours. For example, chmod -v -R 755 directory will display detailed information and change permissions recursively for all files and directories in the specified directory. When using the mode argument, you can specify permissions using octal notation (e.g., 755 for read, write, and execute for owner, and read and execute for group and others) or symbolic notation (e.g., +x for adding execute permission). The chmod command is a powerful tool for managing file and directory permissions in Linux.

11. chown - change ownership of a file or directory:

The chown command is used to change the owner of a file. It can change the owner of a single file or multiple files, as well as the owner group.

  1. Command Name: chown
    • This is the command, which stands for “change owner.”


chown [options] [user:]file


  1. Change the owner of a file:
 chown user:file1.txt

This command will change the owner of file1.txt to the user user.

  1. Change the owner and group of a file:
 chown user:group file1.txt

This command will change both the owner and group of file1.txt.

Options and Modifiers:

The chown command has several options and modifiers to customize its behaviour:

  1. -R or --recursive: Recursively change ownership of all files and directories within a directory. This option is essential when changing ownership for a directory and its contents.
    • Example:
 chown -R user:group directory
  1. -h or --no-dereference: Do not dereference symbolic links. When used, the ownership of the symbolic link itself is changed, not the target it points to.
    • Example:
 chown -h user:group symlink
  1. --from=current_owner:current_group: Change ownership only if the file’s current owner and group match the specified values. This option is helpful when you want to ensure that ownership is changed only under certain conditions.
    • Example:
 chown --from=user1:group1 user2:group2 file
  1. -v or --verbose: Display verbose output, showing the ownership change for each file. This option provides detailed feedback on the ownership changes.
    • Example:
 chown -v user:group file
  1. -c or --changes: Only display ownership changes, not the entire output. This option is useful when you want to see a concise list of changes.
    • Example:
 chown -c user:group file

These options can be combined to create customized chown operations to suit your specific file and directory ownership changing needs. Note that some options may not be available on all systems, so it’s important to consult the manual pages for the specific version of chown you are using for the full list of options and their functionality.


In this section, you’ve delved into the foundational CLI essentials tailored specifically for Debian users. You’ve acquired a solid grasp of essential commands like cd, ls, pwd, touch, mkdir, rm, rmdir, cp, mv, chmod, and chown. These commands are the building blocks of efficient file and directory operations.

As you continue your journey through this comprehensive guide, you’ll find each subsequent section delving deeper into various facets of the CLI, always with a focus on their practical application. With each command you master, you enhance your proficiency and confidence in utilizing the command line interface to its full potential.

Stay tuned for the next sections, File Content Manipulation & File and Directory Search, where we explore more CLI essentials, each contributing to your journey towards becoming a proficient Linux user. Whether you are administering a server, working on development projects, or simply managing your personal files, the knowledge you’ve gained here will prove invaluable. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep harnessing the power of the CLI.

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