18 minute read

Take Control of Debian CLI: User Management and Terminal Customization Essentials in Part 5.


Welcome to the fifth section of our comprehensive guide, “Linux CLI Essentials for Debian Users.” In this installment, we venture into the realm of user management and fine-tuning your interaction with the terminal.

Before we delve into the details of user management and terminal optimizations, let’s take a moment to reflect on our journey thus far. In the previous section, we equipped you with the tools and techniques necessary for effective system administration.

Now, in Part 5, we shift our focus to the crucial aspects of user management and terminal customization. Managing users, their privileges and terminal configurations are fundamental tasks for every sysadmin. In this section, you’ll explore commands like adduser, useradd, userdel, passwd, and su. These commands enable you to create and manage user accounts, set passwords, and switch between user identities with ease.

Furthermore, we’ll dive into terminal enhancements with commands such as alias, unalias, and clear. These utilities empower you to streamline your CLI experience by creating command shortcuts, removing aliases, and maintaining a clutter-free terminal environment.

User management and terminal customization are pivotal for optimizing your Debian Linux experience, whether you’re a system administrator, developer, or an everyday user. By mastering these essentials, you gain greater control over your system and tailor your CLI environment to suit your needs.

User Management:

36. adduser - Add a new user to the system:

The adduser command in Linux is used to add a new user to the system. It helps simplify the process of creating a new user account by handling various user-related tasks, including creating the user’s home directory, setting up their shell, and adding them to user groups. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: adduser
  • This is the primary command used for adding a new user.


The basic syntax of the adduser command is as follows:

adduser [options] username
  • options: Optional. These are various options that modify the behaviour of the adduser command.
  • username: Required. This is the name of the new user you want to add.


  1. Adding a New User:

To add a new user, simply use the adduser command followed by the desired username:

  sudo adduser newuser

You will be prompted to enter information about the new user, including their password and personal details.

  1. Adding a User to a Specific Group:

You can specify additional options to add the new user to a specific user group using the --ingroup option:

  sudo adduser newuser --ingroup groupname


  sudo adduser newuser --ingroup developers
  1. Setting the Home Directory:

By default, adduser creates a home directory for the user. You can specify a custom home directory using the --home option:

  sudo adduser newuser --home /path/to/custom/home
  1. Setting the Shell:

You can specify a custom shell for the user using the --shell option. For example, to set the user’s shell to /bin/bash:

  sudo adduser newuser --shell /bin/bash

Options and Modifiers:

The adduser command provides various options and modifiers to customize its behaviour. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • --disabled-password: Creates a user without setting a password. This is useful when you want to force the user to set their password on the first login.


    sudo adduser newuser --disabled-password
  • --disabled-login: Disables the user’s ability to log in. This can be useful for system accounts that should not be used for interactive login.


    sudo adduser systemaccount --disabled-login
  • --gecos: Allows you to set the user’s information, such as full name and contact details, in a single string.


    sudo adduser newuser --gecos "John Doe,,,"

The adduser command simplifies the process of creating new user accounts on a Linux system, making it easier to manage users and their associated settings.

37. useradd - add a new user to the system:

The useradd command in Linux is used to create new user accounts on a system. It allows system administrators to define various parameters for the new user, such as the username, user ID, home directory, and more. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: useradd
  • This is the primary command used for adding a new user.


The basic syntax of the useradd command is as follows:

useradd [options] username
  • options: Optional. These are various options that modify the behaviour of the useradd command.
  • username: Required. This is the name of the new user you want to add.


  1. Adding a New User:

To add a new user, simply use the useradd command followed by the desired username:

  sudo useradd newuser

This creates a new user named “newuser” with default settings.

  1. Specifying the Home Directory:

You can specify the home directory for the new user using the -d or --home option:

  sudo useradd -d /home/mynewuser mynewuser

This creates a new user named “mynewuser” with the home directory “/home/mynewuser.”

  1. Adding a User to a Specific Group:

You can specify the initial login group for the new user using the -g or --gid option:

  sudo useradd -g mygroup mynewuser

This creates a new user named “mynewuser” and adds them to the group “mygroup.”

Options and Modifiers:

The useradd command provides various options and modifiers to customize its behaviour. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • -d or --home: Specifies the home directory of the new user. Example:

    sudo useradd -d /home/mynewuser mynewuser
  • -g or --gid: Specifies the initial login group of the new user. Example:

    sudo useradd -g mygroup mynewuser
  • -s or --shell: Specifies the login shell for the new user. Example:

    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash mynewuser
  • -m or --create-home: Creates the user’s home directory if it does not exist. Example:

    sudo useradd -m mynewuser
  • -U or --user-group: Creates a group with the same name as the user and adds the user to that group. Example:

    sudo useradd -U mynewuser
  • -p or --password: Sets an encrypted password for the new user. The password should be generated using the crypt command. Example:

    sudo useradd -p $(openssl passwd -1 mypassword) mynewuser

The useradd command is a powerful tool for adding new user accounts to a Linux system, allowing administrators to configure various aspects of the new user’s account during the creation process.

38. userdel - delete a user from the system:

The userdel command in Linux is used to delete user accounts from the system. It allows system administrators to remove user accounts, and optionally, their home directories and mail spools. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: userdel
  • This is the primary command used for deleting user accounts.


The basic syntax of the userdel command is as follows:

userdel [options] username
  • options: Optional. These are various options that modify the behaviour of the userdel command.
  • username: Required. This is the name of the user account to be deleted.


  1. Deleting a User Account:

To delete a user account without removing associated files, simply use the userdel command followed by the username:

  sudo userdel john

This deletes the user account named “john” but keeps the user’s home directory and mail spool.

  1. Deleting a User Account with Associated Files:

To delete a user account along with their home directory and mail spool, use the -r option:

  sudo userdel -r john

This deletes the user account “john” along with their home directory and mail spool.

  1. Forcing User Account Deletion:

By default, if a user is logged in, the userdel command will refuse to delete the account. To force the deletion even if the user is logged in, use the -f option:

  sudo userdel -f john

This forcibly deletes the user account “john.”

Options and Modifiers:

The userdel command provides various options and modifiers to customize its behaviour. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • -r: Removes the user’s home directory and mail spool along with the user account. Example:

    sudo userdel -r john
  • -f: Forces the deletion of the user account, even if the user is logged in. Example:

    sudo userdel -f john
  • -Z: Removes any SELinux user mapping for the user. Example:

    sudo userdel -Z john
  • -h: Displays a help message with a list of options and usage information for the userdel command. Example:

    userdel -h

The userdel command is a powerful tool for managing user accounts on a Linux system, allowing administrators to remove accounts and their associated files with ease. However, it should be used with caution, especially when dealing with active user accounts.

39. passwd - Change a user’s password:

The passwd command in Linux is used to change a user’s password. It allows users to update their own passwords or, if used with appropriate privileges, enables system administrators to change passwords for other users. Let’s break down its components, syntax, options, and provide examples:

  • Command Name: passwd
  • This is the primary command used for changing user passwords.


The basic syntax of the passwd command is as follows:

passwd [options] [username]
  • options: Optional. These are various options that modify the behaviour of the passwd command.
  • username: Optional. If provided, it specifies the username for which the password will be changed. If not provided, the password of the currently logged-in user will be changed.


  1. Changing the Password for the Current User:

To change the password for the currently logged-in user, simply enter the following command and follow the prompts:


You’ll be asked to enter the current password, followed by the new password (twice for confirmation).

  1. Changing the Password for Another User:

To change the password for another user (requires root or superuser privileges), specify the username:

  sudo passwd john

Replace “john” with the username for which you want to change the password. You’ll be prompted to enter the new password twice.

Options and Modifiers:

The passwd command provides various options and modifiers to customize its behaviour. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • -l or --lock: Locks the specified user account, preventing login with a password. It adds an exclamation mark (!) to the beginning of the user’s password field in the /etc/shadow file. Example:

    sudo passwd -l john

    This locks the user account “john.”

  • -u or --unlock: Unlocks a previously locked user account. Example:

    sudo passwd -u john

    This unlocks the user account “john.”

  • -e or --expire: Forces the user to change their password on the next login. Example:

    sudo passwd -e john

    This sets the “john” user’s password to expire, requiring them to change it on their next login.

  • -S or --status: Displays password-related information for the specified user. Example:

    sudo passwd -S john

    This displays the password status for the user “john.”

  • -d or --delete: Deletes the password for the specified user, effectively disabling password-based login. Example:

    sudo passwd -d john

    This deletes the password for the user “john,” disabling password-based login.

The passwd command is a fundamental tool for managing user passwords on a Linux system. It provides various options to control password behaviour and is essential for maintaining system security.

40. su - switch user:

The su command in Linux, which stands for “switch user,” allows you to change the current user context to another user. By default, if you use su without specifying a username, it switches to the superuser (root) account. However, you can switch to any other user by specifying their username. Here’s a breakdown of its components, syntax, options, and examples:

  • Command Name: su
  • This is the primary command used for switching to another user.


The basic syntax of the su command is as follows:

su [options] [username]
  • options: Optional. These are various options that modify the behaviour of the su command.
  • username: Optional. If provided, it specifies the username to which you want to switch. If not provided, the default is to switch to the superuser (root).


  1. Switch to Root User:

To switch to the root user, you can simply enter the following command and provide the root password when prompted:


This will change the user to root, and you can then run commands with root privileges.

  1. Switch to Another User:

To switch to another user (e.g., “johndoe”), specify the username:

  su johndoe

This will change the user context to “johndoe,” and you’ll be prompted to enter their password. After successful authentication, you’ll be able to run commands as the “johndoe” user.

  1. Switch Back to the Original User:

To switch back to the original user, simply run the exit command:


This will return you to your original user context.

Options and Modifiers:

The su command provides various options and modifiers to customize its behaviour. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • -: If used as su -, it simulates a full login for the target user, which loads their environment variables and initializes the shell as if you had logged in directly as that user. Example:

    su - johndoe

    This will simulate a full login as the “johndoe” user.

  • -c or --command: Allows you to run a specific command as the target user without switching to their shell. Example:

    su -c "ls /home/johndoe" johndoe

    This runs the “ls /home/johndoe” command as the “johndoe” user without switching to their shell.

  • -l or --login: Similar to -, it also simulates a full login for the target user. Use it as su -l. Example:

    su -l johndoe

    This simulates a full login as the “johndoe” user.

  • -s or --shell: Specifies the shell to be used. This can be useful if you want to switch to a different shell for the user. Example:

    su -s /bin/bash johndoe

    This switches to the “johndoe” user and uses the Bash shell.

The su command is a powerful tool for temporarily assuming the identity of another user, especially the superuser (root). However, it should be used with caution, as it grants significant privileges, and executing incorrect commands can impact system stability and security.

Terminal and Output:

41. alias - create a shortcut for a command:

The alias command in Linux allows you to create shortcuts or aliases for longer and frequently used commands. These aliases make it more convenient to work in the command line by providing a shorter and more memorable way to execute commands. Here’s a breakdown of the alias command, its components, syntax, options, examples, and how it works:

  • Command Name: alias
  • This is the primary command used for creating and managing aliases.


The basic syntax of the alias command is as follows:

alias [alias_name]='[command]'
  • alias_name: The name you want to assign to your alias.
  • command: The full command that you want to associate with the alias.


  1. Create an Alias:

To create an alias for the ls -la command and name it ll, you can use the following command:

  alias ll='ls -la'

Now, when you type ll, it will execute the ls -la command.

  1. List All Aliases:

To view a list of all your defined aliases, use the alias command without any parameters:


This will display a list of all your defined aliases in the current session.

  1. Remove an Alias:

To remove an alias, you can use the unalias command followed by the alias name you want to remove. For example, to remove the ll alias:

  unalias ll

After this, ll will no longer be associated with the ls -la command.

Options and Modifiers:

The alias command does not have many options or modifiers of its own. It mainly relies on the syntax described above for creating aliases. However, you can use some tricks and options within the assigned command string:

  • Using Single Quotes vs. Double Quotes: When defining aliases, you can use either single quotes (') or double quotes (") to enclose the command. Using single quotes is more common because it prevents immediate variable expansion. Example:

    alias myalias="echo Today is $(date)"

    Here, $(date) will be immediately expanded when defining the alias.

  • Nested Aliases: You can also create nested aliases where one alias includes another. This can be useful for building complex commands from simpler aliases. Example:

    alias cmd1='echo This is command 1'
    alias cmd2='cmd1 && echo This is command 2'

    In this example, cmd2 includes cmd1 within its definition.

  • Temporarily Bypassing Aliases: If you want to execute a command without using an alias, you can use a backslash (\) before the command name. This temporarily bypasses the alias. Example:


    This runs the ll command without the alias.

Using aliases can greatly improve your command line productivity by providing shortcuts to commonly used commands or complex command sequences. However, it’s important to choose alias names that are intuitive and not likely to conflict with existing commands or utilities. Additionally, aliases are typically session-specific, so to make them available in every session, you may need to define them in your shell’s configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc for Bash).

42. unalias - remove a previously created alias:

The unalias command in Linux is used to remove previously created aliases. An alias is a user-defined shortcut for a longer command or command sequence. The unalias command allows you to delete these aliases, reverting the associated shortcuts to their original behaviour. Let’s break down the components of the unalias command, explain its syntax, provide examples, and discuss options and modifiers:

  • Command Name: unalias
  • This is the primary command used to remove aliases.


The basic syntax of the unalias command is as follows:

unalias [alias_name]...
  • [alias_name]: The name of the alias or aliases you want to remove. You can specify one or more alias names, separated by spaces.


  1. Remove a Single Alias:

To remove a single alias, specify its name:

  unalias myalias

This command removes the alias named myalias.

  1. Remove Multiple Aliases:

To remove multiple aliases in a single command, provide their names separated by spaces:

  unalias alias1 alias2 alias3

This command removes the aliases alias1, alias2, and alias3.

  1. List All Aliases:

To list all currently defined aliases in your shell session, use the alias command without any arguments:


This will display a list of aliases, including their names and definitions.

Options and Modifiers:

The unalias command does not have many options or modifiers. It primarily takes alias names as arguments to remove them. However, here are a couple of points to keep in mind:

  • Error Handling: If you try to remove an alias that doesn’t exist, you won’t receive an error. The unalias command will simply proceed without any feedback. Example:

    unalias non_existent_alias

    This command will not produce any error, even if non_existent_alias doesn’t exist.

  • Wildcard Usage: While the basic syntax doesn’t support wildcards, you can use a loop in combination with unalias to remove multiple aliases with similar names. Example:

    for i in alias1 alias2 alias3; do unalias "$i"; done

    This loop removes alias1, alias2, and alias3.

  • Permanent Alias Removal: The unalias command removes aliases for the current shell session only. To permanently remove an alias, you should edit your shell’s configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc for Bash or ~/.zshrc for Zsh) and remove the alias definition from there. Example:

    If you had the alias myalias defined in your ~/.bashrc file, you could remove it by opening the file in a text editor and deleting the relevant line.

The unalias command is a simple and effective way to manage and remove aliases in your shell environment. It’s useful for cleaning up your shell environment, especially if you have defined aliases that you no longer need or want to reset to their default behaviours.

43. clear - clear the terminal screen:

The clear command in Linux is a simple yet useful command-line utility used to clear the terminal screen. It removes all previous output, leaving you with a clean and empty terminal screen. Let’s break down the components of the clear command, explain its syntax, provide examples, and discuss its options and modifiers:

  • Command Name: clear
  • This is the primary command used to clear the terminal screen.


The clear command has a very straightforward syntax. You only need to type the command name:


When you execute this command, the terminal screen will be cleared of all content except for the command prompt.


Here’s an example of how to use the clear command in a terminal:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Simply type clear and press the Enter key:

This will clear the terminal screen, removing all previous text and output.

Options and Modifiers:

The clear command does not have any options or modifiers. It is a straightforward command designed for a single purpose: clearing the terminal screen.

Additional Information:

  • Terminal History: It’s important to note that the clear command only clears the visual display of the terminal. It doesn’t delete any data or output from previous commands. You can still access previous content by using the scroll bar or by using terminal history commands such as history to view previously executed commands.

  • Keyboard Shortcut: In addition to using the clear command, you can often clear the terminal screen using a keyboard shortcut. For example, in many terminal emulators, you can use Ctrl + L to achieve the same result as clear. This keyboard shortcut is commonly used as an alternative to typing the clear command.

The clear command is a handy tool for keeping your terminal workspace organized, especially when the screen is cluttered with previous commands and output. It allows you to start with a clean slate when working in the terminal, making it easier to focus on your current tasks and commands.


In this section, you’ve delved into the critical domains of user management and terminal customization. You’ve acquired a set of powerful commands and techniques that allow you to create and manage user accounts, reset passwords, and switch between user identities seamlessly. Additionally, you’ve explored terminal enhancements to streamline your CLI interactions.

As you conclude this section, you’re well-equipped to advance to the next part of our guide, “Networking and Connectivity.” Here, you’ll delve into the world of networking commands and learn how to establish and manage connections in your system.

By mastering these CLI essentials, you’re not only enhancing your proficiency but also gaining valuable skills for various IT roles and tasks. Embrace the power of the CLI as you move forward, ready to explore the intricacies of networking and connectivity in the next section of this guide.

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